WordPress 1.5 Strayhorn

Well, you guessed it. I’ve upgraded the Word­Press I’m using to the lat­est — ver­sion 1.5 Stray­horn. Every­thing went ter­ri­bly smoothly and even the theme I used before has been made the default for every release! So, that just save me the work of rein­stalling the theme XD Though I had to reinstall/config some plu­g­ins and stuff .

On the other hand, I won­der what else does this upgrade do as I started to receive spam as com­ments on my posts (I deleted 2 at the time of writ­ing, both received between 5 min­utes). nev­er­the­less, I’ll have to find a way to get rid of ‘em. I remem­ber read­ing about some plu­g­ins that com­bat these spams. maybe I’ll google them later. Get­tin late here, off to bed.

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