25 nations, wowzers.

(at the time of writ­ing, in no par­tic­u­lar order) Malaysia, US, UK, Latvia, Ger­many, France, Isreal, Spain, Italy, Poland, Aus­tria, Aus­tralia, Iran (wtf?), Canada, Nether­lands, Turkey, Sin­ga­pore, Roma­nia, Lithua­nia, Swe­den, Porut­gal, Nor­way, Indone­sia, India and Lebanon. 25 in all. I logged in statcounter.com today and found that vis­i­tors from 25 nations of the Earth had stopped by my site. And I thought vis­i­tors to my site were sort of limited.

The top refer­rals were deviantART and Neowin (link in my sig). With dA on the top 100% of the time. It seems that Google’s bot loves my site too. My site has first-page-results for queries like ‘msstyles’ (7th result, also where most traf­fic comes), ‘ember’, ‘foton VS’, ‘absence of motion’, ‘son­icgear speak­ers’ etc.

Browser stats: IE tops the list, fol­lowed closely by Fire­fox then Mozilla with Opera and Safari as minori­ties. Unique vis­i­tors — 410 in the past 60 days..