Month: March 2005

Mozilla Firefox 1.0.2

I hes­i­tated whether to post this because its just a small update but I decided to post it any­way. Fire­fox 1.0.2 is a secu­rity and sta­bil­ity update that is part of our ongo­ing pro­gram to pro­vide a safe Inter­net expe­ri­ence for our cus­tomers. We rec­om­mend that all users upgrade to this lat­est ver­sion. Here’s what’s […]

25 nations, wowzers.

(at the time of writ­ing, in no par­tic­u­lar order) Malaysia, US, UK, Latvia, Ger­many, France, Isreal, Spain, Italy, Poland, Aus­tria, Aus­tralia, Iran (wtf?), Canada, Nether­lands, Turkey, Sin­ga­pore, Roma­nia, Lithua­nia, Swe­den, Porut­gal, Nor­way, Indone­sia, India and Lebanon. 25 in all. I logged in today and found that vis­i­tors from 25 nations of the Earth had […]