Month: April 2005

Adobe Photoshop CS2

After read­ing the post on’s Back Page News (BPN) about the release of Phở­to­shop CS2, I got myself a copy. *cough*cough*from *cough*youknowhere…*cough* Well the down­load was well over 400MB and took an after­noon to com­plete on my flimsy 512kbsp DSL After the installing and crack­ing reg­is­ter­ing process, imme­di­ately I went explor­ing. The instal­la­tion came […]

Back from camp

Ah, home sweet home. Sorry for the recent lack of activ­ity on my site. I was kinda busy study­ing for the com­ing exam and I just came back from a 3-day camp in my school. Our school’s pre­fec­to­r­ial board had orga­nized a lead­er­ship camp for the school pre­fects. The camp was every­thing but bor­ing, our […]