April Fool’s Day = Suprises from Google

news, inter­net apr1 4.02pm
Not much fool­ing was going on in school today but, Google sure had a few suprises for this year’s April Fool’s Day.

GMail’s upgrad­ing to two, yes TWO whole Gigs! Just when Yahoo!Mail thought they had catched up by upgrad­ing to 1GB, Google eas­ily rushed ahead by enlarg­ing stor­age space to 2GB from the pre­vi­ous 1GB. Now, you would be think­ing of this as a hoax, but check your GMail page if you have an account. If not, take a look at the screen­shot below.

The stor­age indi­ca­tor is fre­quently show­ing increases for like every five min­utes. It shows ‘1115MB’ at the time of writ­ing and its expected to rise till 2000MB that is, 2GB.

Update: the counter finally reached 2050MB or 2GB (note that 1GB=1024MB so 1024MB x 2 = 2048MB)

If that isnt enough, Google had just added more fea­tures to GMail:

We’re not in the plains any­more
Fonts, bul­lets and high­light­ing, oh my! Gmail now offers rich text for­mat­ting. And over 60 col­ors of the rain­bow. Dis­cover a land of more than just black and white. Learn more

Google Gulp
What else does Google do on April Fool’s? Fool more of course!


Here’s wikimedia’s 2 cents:

On April 1 2005, Ency­clopae­dia Bri­tan­nica, The Free Ency­clopae­dia, announced its imme­di­ate semi-hostile takeover of the Wiki­me­dia Foun­da­tion and all of its projects, includ­ing Wikipedia (now Wikipae­dia), Wik­isource, Wik­iquote, Wik­i­books, and Wikinews..

Full arti­cle HERE.

Oh yeah, and if any if you need an invite, just email me. I got plenty to spare.

Links: Gmail What’s New | c|net | What Google did on last year’s Apr 1st

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