Adobe Photoshop CS2

After read­ing the post on’s Back Page News (BPN) about the release of Pho­to­shop CS2, I got myself a copy. *cough*cough*from *cough*youknowhere…*cough* Well the down­load was well over 400MB and took an after­noon to com­plete on my flimsy 512kbsp DSL

After the installing and crack­ing reg­is­ter­ing process, imme­di­ately I went explor­ing. The instal­la­tion came with ImageReady (as usual), Adobe Bridge (not sure what it does) and Adobe Help Cen­ter (you pretty well know this by judg­ing its name). Startup was a breeze, noti­ci­bly faster than CS but it was slow on load­ing my PSDs, not sure why though. They wer­ent any sig­nif­i­cant changes on its inter­face except for tabs now with shad­ows. The help sec­tion was cer­tainly improved with its How To’s.

Well, the new fea­ture I was look­ing for is called Van­ish­ing point. I found it under the Fil­ter drop down. Get­ting on track, I choosed a pic­ture (from the recent A380 post) with a van­ish­ing point (see below)

Fil­ter > Van­ish­ing Point. A win­dow pops up. A cou­ple of min­utes to far­mil­iar­ize myself with the tools and im on the job. Basi­cally you just have to draw a grid accord­ing to the per­spec­tive. Select the four points of your per­spec­tive and you’re pre­sented with a grid.

Scale the grid to cover your sub­ject. Here, I wanted to erase the A380 air­craft. To do that, I selected the clone stamp and started cloning and voila!

Okay, I admit its crappy but hey, the plane is gone! Gotta improve my cloning skills some­day though, but this fea­ture sure is fun. 😀 There’s plenty more new fea­ture to explore, but ill just leave them for another day, its get­ting late now, so much for a day of CS2Photoshoppin. Hope you’ll enjoy PSCS2 as I do.

7 thoughts on “Adobe Photoshop CS2

  1. ember Post author

    sorry guys for the late reply. I posted this last night and only until now I have the time to go online.

    LcF, lol, dude you’re miss­ing BIG, BIG I say. The won­ders you could do with Pho­to­shop.. It isnt too late to catch up though, you just need and some tuto­ri­als to guide you along the way 😀

    dan­ny­Foo, damn, 1GB of RAM? It runs pretty well on my machine with only a ball-shrinking mem­ory of 256MB. *sob*

    ashie, check you inbox. 😛

    eKLim, good luck with that.

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