Vectorized, Master Yoda is..

HOLY cow! Gone are one week of the hols… my rel­a­tives who were here for the week just went back today and the house now seemed a lit­tle quiet.. Sigh. I’ve been busy for the whole week, took my rel­a­tives around Kuch­ing and to a beach resort in Lundu. It is always fun spend­ing time with rel­a­tives and we trea­sure the time together the most.

My last trip back to West Malaysia was in the last hol­i­days in Dece­me­ber 2004 and we get to get together like, once in a year so, every­time its like, every year-end we go back for a month and then we part and con­tinue with daily life until the year-end hols again and so on. Dur­ing the last trip, I man­aged to drag them all into using MSN Mes­sen­ger. So now we’re pretty much ‘a click away’ but still, noth­ing is bet­ter than meet­ing in real life, I’m sure every­one agrees with that right?

Ahh, so dur­ing the hols, I man­aged to squeeze some com­puter time into my sched­ule. That is, I’ve com­pleted a vec­tor of Mas­ter Yoda from Star Wars.

I’m not some die-hard fan of the Star Wars saga, nor do I under­stand much of the twisted sto­ry­line (mind you, I’m not some igno­rant movie­goer, I know the whole sto­ry­line of the Matrix tril­ogy bet­ter than any­one in my class :p) but I was inspired to make a wall to join the pack of Star Wars walls already float­ing around Neowin’s Com­pleted Cur­sors, Icons & Wall­pa­pers forum, and its gonna be dif­fer­ent, its gonna be a vec­tor instead of some framed screen­shot from the movie with some text added to it. So I decided to vec­tor­ize everyone’s favourite lit­tle green friend, Yoda.

I knew this is going to be a big chal­lenge because its going to be my first ever vec­tor of an organic life­form eg peo­ple, ani­mals, yoda’s. I thought, this is the hols, and I have lots of time and patience to spare, so I’ll give it a try.

The moment I started, I regret­ted I even started. It was soo hard! I admit I have no tal­ent at organic stuff, only man-made items or at least scenery but no peo­ple, or ani­mals. At times, I felt like giv­ing up. At these times, I would always close Pho­to­shop and get out­side, take a stroll, make myself a drink. When I’m back hav­ing a good mood, work goes on. This way, things get fin­ished, but down­side is, the vec­tor took some time to com­plete. Then again, no hurry. 😀

Done it was after a week of 3–4 hours a day of Pho­to­shop­pin. 100% vec­tored in Adobe Pho­to­shop CS2. Purely drawn with­out any fil­ter or cheat meth­ods. Once, my aunt walked in the com­puter room and saw me workin on this green crea­ture. She could tell that I was sort of re-drawing the whole thing, She asked, why not I use some fil­ter to make my life eas­ier instead of re-drawing it again. I thought about it for some time. Not that I havent thought of cheat­ing before but some­times I think, all my effort is done for self sat­is­fac­tion. I could always use a paint fil­ter on some pic­ture and get an instant ‘vec­tor’ but i dont. Every­time I com­plete a vec­tor, I feel some kind of sat­is­fac­tion that you drew it by hand, tone by tone. And i tell you, it feels good. That said, I guar­an­tee that NONE of all my vec­tor works are cheated, none.

So here it is, the com­pleted vector:


Last week, I was cho­sen for a free one-week trial of deviantART sub­scrip­tion. It is now com­ing to an end but I had enjoyed much of its fea­tures and i still dont plan to sub­scribe mainly because I dont earn my own money yet :\ I had also become an Offi­cial Beta Tester on dA (only avail­able for sub­scribers) and im lik­ing the beta ‘Pasties’ fea­ture which allows you to place a Pastie on your web­site or blog of your recent/most popular/favourited devi­a­tions. Check it out in my Port­fo­lio page!

Happy Hol­i­days!

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