Exams: OVER

That’s what im talk­ing about: exam week. The days where you spend after­noons and nights try­ing to pack as much crap as pos­si­ble into your bird-sized brain. You sleep at >12:00 AM every­day and get all sleepy dur­ing the exam the next day. Tons of books pile up on your study as you sip away in your cup of tea try­ing to make some sense out of a page of Biol­ogy text.

my basic setup: books, cal­cu­la­tors, books, pen, books, cup of tea, more books and a PDA (just for show) :p

How nice of that cat to sleep right under my nose out­side my win­dow while I was pour­ing over my books. As if tempt­ing me to dash up to my bed and take a good, long after­noon nap. Call me cruel but I couldn’t help but grab a water bot­tle and gave that cat a good shower. Watch­ing it dash­ing madly out of the gar­den as I slumped back onto my chair with an evil sat­is­fac­tion :p Ahh, the days of the exam.

it is at times like this you’d wish you were a cat.

But alas, the exams are over! Weee! Well, I wouldnt say I did very well this time. Bah, its already over, so for­get it.

So, it seems that guys over at Red­mond (Microsoft) were hav­ing their busy week too. If you hadn’t know the lat­est news, the next gen­er­a­tion of Win­dows which was pre­vi­ously code­named ‘Long­horn’, has a new name: Win­dows Vista. Yeah, I know the name sucks but we have to get used to it. There’s also a pop­u­lar joke that says VISTA stands for Virus Infec­tions Spyware Trojans and Adware. Ouch. And just a few days ago, Microsoft released the BETA 1 of Long-er I mean Win­dows Vista to their testers. Luck­ily, reviews across the net pointed out that the lat­est build looks promis­ing, and boy, the aero GUI is damn sleek! I wouldnt go into the full details of Vista but if you do want to know more, check out Vista in Paul Thurott’s review here.

So I guess that’s it for today. Gotta go now.

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