Burning Midnight Oil

The final exams starts tomor­row but noth­ing can stop me from post­ing! mua­ha­haha! I’m gonna have my Physics paper, Add math paper and EST paper tomor­row. Two big sub­jects on the first day, what a nice start. I just fin­ished all five chap­ters of my Physics (finally could say that) about an hour ago. Down­side is, I HAVENT FRIGGIN STARTED ON MY ADD MATH!!!

It’s 11:30PM and you’re gonna have Add math test tomor­row and you haven’t started on it, what do you do? Update your blog! lol! I’m crazy. Hours of study­ing Physics some­how knocked some sense outta me. I never liked study­ing for exams, yet I see exams a chance to prove myself, to the girls, per­haps, that my brain is packed so full of knowl­edge, it aint got room for girls. Heh.

It’s the time again where sleep­ing cats appear from nowhere.

Damn cat. OK, on a more seri­ous note, my final exams are start­ing tomor­row, span­ning across three weeks, from the 3rd to 17th of Octo­ber. The PMR exams, too will start tomor­row but will only last for about 4 days. Good luck to you 3rd for­m­ers! PMR isn’t that hard, its peanuts com­pared to what I’m study­ing now. So, get all straight A’s, like I did, that is, if you don’t count in my Chi­nese subject..

My dad just came back from West Malaysia last fri­day. We’ve been wait­ing all week for his return. It’s not dad we’re miss­ing, its because hes brought back with him RM200 worth of CHOCOLATES! and RM50+ worth of Gar­de­nia + High5 BUNS! w00t! Those Gar­de­nia guys over there should really con­sider com­ing over to Kuch­ing, hell if they know that we Kuch­ing­nites bring back bags and bags of West Malaysian buns on every trip.

Arriv­ing home with my dad also, was my new book, The Decep­tion Point, by you’ve guessed who– Dan Brown. 😀 On Sat­ur­day, I kept it beside me while study­ing, all nice and wrapped up. I picked it up every now and then, flip­ping it around, guess­ing its con­tents, skim trough the syp­no­sis, some­times ana­lyz­ing how it is wrapped, think­ing the fastest way to rip it off after on last day of the exams . Argh! If I could open the damn wrap! Hell no, this aint some com­mon book, this is Dan Brown’s book, once you pop, you’ll never stop! oh uh, I mean, once opened you’ll NEVER put it back down. Against all odds, I handed it back to my dad and asked him hide it. Ah, I feel much bet­ter now, I saved half of my sub­jects from fail­ing. Now all I have left do to is to ask him to hide my frig­gin modem..

2 thoughts on “Burning Midnight Oil

  1. Pingback: tehCpeng.net » Blog Archive » I ran over a poor cat.

  2. Pingback: Done with Semester Two! - tehCpeng.net

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