Month: November 2005


Be fore-warned, this post con­tains spoil­ers, to the those that have read the book, you could care less about read­ing on. Just watched Harry Pot­ter and the Gob­let of Fire in IOI Mall’s GSC last tues­day. The 9.05pm movie ended at around 11:45pm, which makes it about 2 hours and 40 min­utes long, yet, it […]

Flying West!

Time’s tick­ing real slow now, ‘cos in two hour’s time I’ll be leav­ing for Kuala Lumpur, where my real hol­i­day starts. We (my sis and me) will be stayin over at our aunts’ place and we’ll have fun there until our par­ents join us at around early Decem­ber and then we will be lit­er­ally travelling […]