Month: December 2005

Merry Christmas + Happy New Year

It’s the time of the year again, christ­mas rhymes, san­tas, presents, christ­mas trees.. This time around, we spent the christ­mas up in Genting High­lands. There, along with about 60+ rel­a­tives, we occu­pied 20+ rooms in Genting’s First World Hotel, to cel­e­brate my uncle’s 40th birth­day which falls on christ­mas day. After miss­ing the Time Square […]

LIMA ’05

* Times men­tioned in this post are not accu­rate due to time con­strains in com­plet­ing this post, which caused a delay in pub­lish­ing. This post was pub­lished three weeks after I started writ­ing. Not that the dates mat­ter, though. —————————- In three weeks, I’ve trav­elled to all four cor­ners of the Penin­su­lar Malaysia. Through­out my […]

2.0 | turns 1

Word­Press 2.0 upgrade: 100% A year ago at around this time, was born. Since then, has reached ver­sion 5.0 and cur­rently has (as of time of writ­ing) 59 posts and 67 com­ments, con­tained within 8 cat­e­gories. 1 year has been a great time man­tain­ing this blog and I am glad to say that […]