WTF?! #2

This just sucks. Today our prin­ci­pal came over to our class and ordered us (lit­er­ally) to be pre­pared to switch class­rooms with 4 Atom. We were like WTF? What hap­pened to democ­racy? Obvi­ously no one wants to switch class­rooms with 4 Atom. Every­one stayed rooted to their seats, silently curs­ing her. It was not until she left that we start orga­niz­ing demon­stra­tions aimed the school’s office.

Now if you hadn’t know, this year, our class­room is strate­gi­cally placed on the ground floor. That’s just great cos we don’t have to frig­gin climb all the way up to the 2nd floor (where 4 Atom’s class­room is) all the grandpa’s and grandma’s in our class just couldn’t afford to do that every frig­gin morning.

Our class is also eas­ily the near­est to the school exit, the near­est class to the park­ing lot, the near­est class to the sci­ence labs, toi­lets, you name it. Imag­ine the con­ve­nience. Why the hell would we want to shift up to 4 Atom where it’s fur­ther away from EVERYTHING?!

It is also the largest class­room, with ample space in the back and front of the class, with not three, but four fans spin­ning hap­pily from the ceil­ing. Bet­ter still, it even has a small room (or store) attached to it where we would often hold crazy par­ties. Being the only class sit­u­ated on the ground floor of the North wing, we enjoy quiet math lessons, free of noise from neigh­bour­ing classes.

And now our prin­ci­pal comes along and tells us we have to switch class­rooms. Their rea­son? Well, appar­ently, 4 Atom has 50+ stu­dents in their class. Although they’re seat­ing fine in their present class now, the prob­lem arises dur­ing exams where they have to sit spread-out. And that is when ‘they run out of space’. The eas­i­est solu­tion, accord­ing to the admin­is­tra­tion, is to have them to use our class­room, which could accom­mo­date that big-ass class.

We sug­gested that they only use our class­room when they need it, which is dur­ing exams. But that wouldn’t suf­fice. Later that day, it was decided that we would have to abide by the orders to switch class­rooms, effec­tive after the Chi­nese New Year hol­i­days. Crap.

We’ll see what hap­pens tomor­row. Either take back that order or we will launch a full-scale demon­stra­tion against the school office! Seri­ously though, I really hope the admins would recon­sider that move. We really don’t wanna move!

*Edit: It’s been con­firmed, first thing when the school reopens, we will be study­ing in 4 Atom’s class­room. The class­rooms’ décor and notice boards have been ripped clean and we’ve gave it a last look before head­ing home today. Guess we would just for­get about it while we enjoy our Chi­nese New Year hols.
Sigh, good things just never last.