New Home

If you’re read­ing this, I’d prob­a­bly wouldn’t have to write loads ‘cos you’d already know that my blog had just shifted from Apolo­gies for any incon­viniece, although I can hardly see any on your side, con­sid­er­ing is shorter and eas­ier to type that the old address. But the past two days have been tir­ing for me, as you may or may not know, some­time in Feb­ru­ary, the old domain was show­ing some ara­bic site pro­mot­ing pol­i­tics and I have absolutely noth­ing to do with that. Nor do I have any idea what happened.

My host, Stafa, sug­gested that I trans­fer my blog to his domain ( and hence, the shift­ing. Dur­ing the process though, the mySQL data­base con­tain­ing all my posts, com­ments and set­tings went cor­rupted and was unre­triev­able. In other words, every­thing was GONE. At first glance, every­thing looked hope­less, all my posts dat­ing back to Jan­u­ary 2005 were gone. Google no longer had my site’s cache and the way­back machine’s lat­est archive was dated March 7, 2005.

For­tu­nately, I found out that I had made a backup of all the posts until Sep­tem­ber 2005 into a text file. And with the help of Word­Press’ own cache which I found later after dig­ging deep into the word­press direc­to­ries, I was able to recon­struct all the posts until Jan­u­ary 26, 2006, which was pretty much until where I had left out. And with that, I reposted every sin­gle bloody post from Jan­u­ary 2005 to Jan­u­ary 2006 man­u­ally into a clean Word­Press instal­la­tion. The only down­side would be all the com­ments are per­ma­nently gone but who’s com­plain­ing? It’s much bet­ter than start­ing a new blog from zero.

Well, dur­ing my absence from the blo­gos­phere, I have been pretty occu­pied with school, with our first mid-semester exams end­ing only last week. I’m pretty con­fi­dent of doing well this time in all sub­jects (except addi­tional maths) con­sid­er­ing the tests wer­ent in full paper and the top­ics cov­ered were only the first few, cou­pled with days and days of hid­ing in my bed­room study­ing that had me made sure of scor­ing.
Oh, and just so you know, it’s one week hol­i­days for us start­ing today. Till next time, goodbye.

*edit: by the way, if you’re won­der­ing, those pic­tures above has noth­ing to do with the post con­tent, just thought it kinda fits the title, heh XD and if you’re still won­der­ing, they’re taken at the Aman Sari show­house in Puchong.