Of monkeys and squirrels

Blimey, it’s been a long time. And wow, just look at how thick the under­growth around here is. And the trees! THE TREES!! They’re so god­damned tall! Oh my, was that a mon­key that just swung past me..? Oh no, might be a squir­rel, or what­ever. Sigh, lots of land-clearing to do around here now.. Now where did I put my parang..

Seri­ously though, life has been so darn busy. Posts per month over here are down to one and I’ve just got the lat­est web­site stats report emailed to my inbox, rather than ‘mark­ing it as read’ as I always do, today I chose to actu­ally read it and guess what, the aver­age page­loads for the past week are at an ever-low num­ber of.. 1. Yes, one. ONE?! That means no one’s read­ing! Talk about pri­vacy! Geez. But hon­estly though, no hard feel­ings there, cos I’ve only got myself to blame for neglect­ing this blog of mine.

I would admit though, now, that lack of moti­va­tion was one of the rea­sons in neglect­ing post­ing here, rather than using exams as an excuse. And of course, lazi­ness. But I wouldn’t rule out the exam fac­tor though, I’ve just crawled through three weeks of my first semes­ter exams which I don’t even wanna talk about it now. But even so, the inac­tiv­ity around here started well before that. Ah well, let bygones be bygones. So let’s just drop it.

So, now on to the good stuff that has hap­pened all this while I’m not here. My rel­a­tives from the penin­sula just recently came over here for a week and had some fun here before head­ing back 10 days ago. Though I couldn’t join them around as I was in the mid­dle of my semes­ter exams. Talk about bril­liant tim­ing.. Any­way, it was fun and I got to taste some good west-malaysian food cooked by my aunts I usu­ally get to taste only once a year, or two. And after that we had to get used to the sud­den silence that enveloped our home in the wake of their absence.

Well, school’s been pretty good. I’ve been involved in the launch­ing event of the spe­cial Teacher’s day assem­bly recently. Me and wying made a pretty good team in plan­ning and prepar­ing the event, which turned out pretty good.

Also, my entry for the Eng­lish essay com­pe­ti­tion was finally sub­mit­ted for a place in the school mag­a­zine! This is some­thing worth cel­e­brat­ing for, really, cos my essays, no mat­ter how good they are, and I KNOW they’re good, just never make it in there all these years. And this year being my last year, I was almost deter­mined I would get a place. And so have I. Yay! It was a pity though, that I didn’t win the essay com­pe­ti­tion but hey, whos complaining?

Gee, I could go on and on but I really have to stop here. There are just so many stuff to post but i’ll leave those for a another day, so check back! And did I men­tion we’re hav­ing school hol­i­days now?