Month: August 2006

Gracias & Adiós Amigos

It was almost 6:30pm when al and I reached the lobby of the Grand Con­ti­nen­tal Hotel, look­ing all smart, cool and ready for the night ahead. Kheng leng’s gang greeted us right there and we went up after them to the 2nd floor where the Raf­fle­sia Room is, and inci­dently is the venue of this […]


Darn it. I’ve got work pil­ing up on my desk faster than those pil­ing up on Pn.Hii’s desk. OK, I may not even have a desk of my own, and nobody else’s work­load could beat Pn.Hii’s, but really, I’ve got so much to do in such lit­tle time.. First, exams. That’s all you hear in my […]