Gracias & Adiós Amigos

It was almost 6:30pm when al and I reached the lobby of the Grand Con­ti­nen­tal Hotel, look­ing all smart, cool and ready for the night ahead. Kheng leng’s gang greeted us right there and we went up after them to the 2nd floor where the Raf­fle­sia Room is, and inci­dently is the venue of this year’s Pre­fects’ Night, oh yeah!

The Raf­fle­sia Room slowly filled up as ladies and gen­tle­men in mas­quer­ades poured in, the ladies donned mag­nif­i­cent gowns and boys in for­mal wear. There was plenty of chitchat and jok­ing around as we moved from table to table. But alas, only a deaf­en­ing applause was heard when Mdm. Mary John arrived.

Andd.. The night starts. Well, I would recall Eddie giv­ing his speech, end­ing it splen­didly with a “Hasta la vista, baby!” fol­lowed by Seng Siang.

yeah food

Yup, blur but yummy. The food was pretty good I must say, but sadly my appetite wasn’t that good that night, or else I would be going for sec­ond and third rounds.. Ah, pity. There was sotong in dried chilli, fish fil­lets, roasted chicken, mixed veg­gie and er..beef. Yum.

And oh boy, the con­fec­tionary! The cakes were splen­did! Espe­cially the choco­late ones, they look so yummy that I gob­bled them up before I remem­bered to take pic­tures of them. I went back for a sec­ond help­ing but ouch, they ran out of choco­late cakes, bum­mer. So I took these two pan­dan flavoured pieces back to my table and snapped pics of them before swal­low­ing them into the cave of doom. Dou­ble yum. XD The cakes, as it turned out, to be the best stuff that night, at least that was what I thought.

Well, the games hosted by Pn Dora was, well, OK. Didn’t reaally had much excite­ment in that. Although chas­ing Eddie and later, Pn Indira around the floor for their straws (part of the game which I would be lazy to ellab­o­rate on) was pretty fun.

The best part of the night would be the dance. Me, Eddie, Kong Ming and Al went lit­er­ally crazy as four of us danced together in sync. We had sooo much fun. Damn! What a great chance to let go all that stress of study­ing hours end­lessly for the exams. Woohoo! Man, I wasn’t myself that night. Then Kong Ming got the idea of us form­ing a train, so four us ran around the hall in the train for­ma­tion laugh­ing our asses off and then every­one fol­lowed! The next sec­ond, every­one, I mean every-one was run­ning around in the train for­ma­tion led by us! Oh boy! The insanity!

When it was time for the I-would-die-if-I-dont-go-up-the-stage-singing dudes to er..sing, we sneaked out of the Room for some pic­tures together.

Me and kong ming.

Me, Eddie and Kong ming.

And when we all got bored of tak­ing pic­tures, Eddie wan­dered over the the Ladies’ and started pick­ing those spe­cially installed locks they have. (Hey, why dont we have those over in the Gents’?) As

Eddie caught red handed!


When the craze out­side the ladies’ died down, Ing thian spot­ted Brintey Spears mak­ing her way into it and..

Ing thian play­ing the peep­ing tom

The ‘news’ leaked and we all came into the pic­ture. Wuahaha!

*GAH! havent got time to fin­ish this post, check back later dudes.

Edit: Damn. I swear I had already fin­ish writ­ing this post at a later date. Now the 2nd part seems to be gone. Grr. That sucks really. But i guess we’ll just have to live with it. The post ends here, unfortunately.