Extraordinary Time-telling

The TM guys finally came today and ended my 2-week duel with my DSL con­nec­tiv­ity. I wouldn’t want to ellab­o­rate on that, but being able to finally surf freely on broad­band for the first time in days, I went on some ran­dom surf­ing through web­sites, forums and blogs. Guess what I found:

The NEOLOG way of time-telling

It no longer dis­plays time by dig­i­tal or ana­logue means, but by neolog — the method that points the way ahead. Time is shown as what it is — quan­tity. Freed from all means like hands or num­bers, NEOLOG was cre­ated — a watch which couldn’t be purer and more minimalistic.

The patented dis­play code is a sys­tem of inge­nious sim­plic­ity — uni­ver­sally usable and under­stand­able across all cul­tural frontiers.

A real eye­catcher for all who are able to count up to twelve.

Gone are those tra­di­tional dig­i­tal watches that bla­tantly shows you the time in hard num­bers. Say hi to Neolog, the watch with a new def­i­n­i­tion of time. In short, it dis­plays the time in bars rather than num­bers as illus­trated in the pic­ture above.

I don’t know about you, but I would want to have one of these watches. Cool huh? So cool in fact, I placed a ver­sion of that time-teller on my blog — the upper right cor­ner of the side­bar if you hadn’t noticed.

Head over to it’s offi­cial web­site here to find how deep the rab­bit hole goes. That’s all for now, I’ll have to be head­ing back to my books.

3 thoughts on “Extraordinary Time-telling

  1. ember

    You know what, that was exactly where I found out about this watch. 😉 Just so you know though, I’m not really into weird watches. I just thought this par­tic­u­lar one was well, cool. XD

    Haha, you got a point there. But try on this watch and go bar-counting for three months and I betcha you could count a flock of 300 sheep in 30 seconds!

    Don’t come after me with those sleep­less nights though. =P

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