Such Pitiful Misery

12 days to go.

10 sub­jects.

33 papers.

27 days to fin­ish it all.

27 days to lim­it­less freedom.

12 days to go..!

Bring it on, SPM!

Come face me already, you coward!

Let me defeat you!

Once and for all!

Leav­ing you crawl­ing after me,

gasp­ing for air as I walk on.

Walk on? Hell no, skip off would be better.

Watch me skip into liberty,

Away from such piti­ful misery.

Free­ing myself from gnarling books.

Oh, wait! There’s others!

Let us gather, then.

And bind together hand in hands.

As we charge into the abyss!

Hey there,

It’s been a long time.

But you need not worry.

For we will meet again soon,

Vic­to­ri­ous and all!

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