Declaration of Inactivity

I, Lim Sheng Han, author and owner of this web log titled ‘ember — Expres­sions of Cre­ativ­ity’ located at, hereby declare the web log in a state of inac­tiv­ity. The period of inac­tiv­ity is effec­tive imme­di­ately until 1600HRS +8 GMT, 4th of Decem­ber, 2006, a dura­tion of 21 days.

With respect to the dec­la­ra­tion men­tioned above, I shall not be updat­ing this weblog within the spec­i­fied time frame. No part of this web log should see any changes in any form or by any means within the time frame spec­i­fied, includ­ing new blog posts, theme changes, script changes, code changes, com­ment replies by the author, dele­tion of blog posts, etcetera, with the excep­tion of inevitable changes includ­ing vis­i­tor com­ments, self-updating scripts with time and/or date out­put, server fail­ure, DDoS attacks and defacing.

The rea­sons as to this dec­la­ra­tion are due to a series of seri­ous prob­lems. One of them being none other than the com­ing Sijil Pela­jaran Malaysia (SPM) exam­i­na­tions faced by the author. The com­ing exam­i­na­tions are of high impor­tance and is given the utmost pri­or­ity. There­fore, web log updat­ing has to wait until the exam­i­na­tions are over. Sec­ond, it would be the author’s inabil­ity to dis­ci­pline him­self from spend­ing time on the inter­net. Declar­ing his web log inac­tive would hope­fully be an effec­tive way to crack down hard on this issue.Notes: SPM exam­i­na­tions are from 20th of Novem­ber until 4th of Decem­ber with a dura­tion of 9 days, spread over 15 days (incl. weekends)