Just had my brain formatted

Ah, yes. So it is over finally. Beaten and defeated SPM is, so to speak. Now if you’d excuse me..


Ahem, back to busi­ness now. Par­don my for­mal­ity ladies and gen­tle­men, I was just try­ing to keep my cool hid­ing the fact that I’m jump­ing up and down like a girl now. *Gasp did I just said that?* Wuahaha!

Today, 4th of Decem­ber, marks the end of the gru­elling SPM exams major­ity of the fifth for­m­ers are sit­ting for. Well, it ain’t like PMR where every can­di­date across the nation simul­ta­ne­ously leap out of their class­rooms at a tick of the clock. Some dudes already had their ‘merdekas’ last fri­day, some even ear­lier, oth­ers not in another two days and some not until next week. But hell, who cares. It’s over for ME and that’s all that matters!

Dum dee dum dum dee dum dee doo.. Welp, it ended with the 3rd paper for Biol­ogy moments ago at 3:30PM sharp. All pure-science stream tak­ers would be rejoic­ing like me now, with the exam­i­na­tions finally finally and finally..over.

I wasn’t one of them who got their itchy ass up head­ing for the exit before the invig­i­la­tor man­aged to even col­lect back the scripts from half of the class (No offence yee heng ;P) for your infor­ma­tion. No one actu­ally screamed or yell or any­thing really, just the increas­ing pres­ence of chat­ter spread­ing around classes. I for one, wasn’t smilling like Sylvester with Tweety the bird in my palms. I was partly dis­turbed by the tricky ques­tions in Bio paper 3 and was still try­ing to make sense of a 3 mark ques­tion while every­one else stared at the second-hand of the wall clock savour­ing the final moments.

Ah well, bygones are bygones. So I got over that and well, here I am, smil­ing, and with four weeks worth of hol­i­days ahead to spend. SPM is for us to put behind and life is there for us to look for­ward. So, move on! I’ll say.

Oh, and uh, yeah, Biol­ogy sucks! :p

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