
Just so you know, NS trainees nation­wide are released from their respec­tive camps for a one-week holiday.

And how the hell would I not be included.

Any­way, I’m home! Yet prob­a­bly not sound­ing all that cel­e­bra­tive for I’m start­ing to miss camp life.. I mean, home is good too, but camp life doesn’t suck that bad, either. Well, it’s not the end yet, and we’ll be meet­ing again on the 22nd of Feb­ru­ary when the hol­i­day ends.

So, that very day I came out of the camp (on the 16th, which was yes­ter­day), I flew west to KL once again to cel­e­brate CNY. In Kuala Lumpur I am, once again.

I’m still in the process of putting together my NS diary into a more read­able dig­i­tal form, you get it. So I’ll leave the good­ies for later. Until then, Happy Chi­nese New Year to all!

4 thoughts on “Break

  1. amry

    hey there! am so glad to finally found some­one who was sent to Kem Pun­cak Per­mai, as i will be head­ing there this march too. unfor­tu­nately, i am from Kuala Lumpur. hence i’m prac­ti­cally dying to find out as many infor­ma­tion as pos­si­ble regard­ing the camp over there. hehe. feel free to drop me a mail.

    p/s: i heard kem pun­cak per­mai is super strict. and some­times they don’t return your mobile phones on week­ends too. how true is that?

  2. ember

    Ah..count your­self lucky for that. Kem Pun­cak Per­mai they say is the most mod­ern camp in the coun­try, it being the newest. Facil­i­ties are all brand new.

    There’s really much more I can say about my camp but i cant be both­ered to type them all out here. Try to reach me tru email or msn. but rest assured, you have noth­ing to worry about. This camp’s all good.

    Edit: about the hand­phone thingy, yeah, our hp’s got kept from us for two weeks only thanks to some bas­tards who decided not to sleep one night and cause trou­ble. Keep the dis­ci­pline offi­cer smil­ing, and you’ll get your phones every sun­day morn­ing with­out fail.

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