Break? Duh, it’s the END..!

And the end it is.

The 11th of March was the day we parted, after 70 days of mem­o­ries we’ve had, sleep­ing together, chat­ting, jok­ing, teas­ing, hav­ing pil­low fights, steal­ing each oth­ers’ tow­ers in the toi­lets, hav­ing water wars while wash­ing our clothes, play­ing mass hide and seek bare­foot from dorm to dorm, made human stack piles, built the largest tent ever, chas­ing each other around, scrib­bling pen marks all over each other while sleep­ing, dress­ing in all sorts tak­ing group pho­tos, hav­ing mass dorm par­ties, birth­days we did cel­e­brate, hav­ing icing wars chas­ing each other around the hall.

Group games of all sorts we played; cheers of all sorts we cheered and even played ‘mon­key and the ball’ dur­ing the evenings.

Failed in var­i­ous com­pe­ti­tions we did, yet win­ning the most pres­ti­gious ones; we attended classes together; marched together proudly to vic­tory; sang together we did, be it in the bath­room, while march­ing or even dur­ing classes; sweat­ing like sponges we did, march­ing in the rain we did, applied 20 lay­ers of tan we did and the best of all, got shaved we all did.

Got pun­ished run­ning 5 rounds around the field, walk­ing like a duck uphill, or frog jumped around the dorm, lying face down on the damp tar road, or face up to the strik­ing hot sun, backs against the steam­ing road; even rolling on the fut­sal field we did, push­ing up on the for­est grounds for not wear­ing com­plete uni­forms; and even wak­ing up 2am in the morn­ing, spend­ing most of the night lying on the march­ing field.

Great fun we’ve had, great mem­o­ries, great friends, great expe­ri­ences, great teach­ers, great instruc­tors, great chal­lenges, though not really great food, but it was all worthwhile.

It was all worth­while, I’d say that again.

Noth­ing could describe the sor­row when we had to part, with our dearly friends, our great and ener­getic teach­ers, strict yet play­ful instruc­tors and our rich camp life.

But part we must, move on each other’s life we have to. Yet we will never for­get the mem­o­ries we’ve had dur­ing the 1st Group, 4th Series of National Ser­vice at Kem Pun­cak Permai.

..some­one hand me a god­damned tissue..!

5 thoughts on “Break? Duh, it’s the END..!

  1. Huiting from Kay Eal

    Hey Dude. What a well writ­ten essay!
    Well, this is the first time I log on to your blog and I guess I just have to leave a lenghty com­ment. Whoa! You guys must have a great and unfor­get­table time dur­ing national ser­vice. Haiz.….I was not cho­sen. Maybe it’s a bit dis­s­a­point­ing since every­one I knew seems like enjoyed the expe­ri­ence. Maybe it’s also a good thing because I got a chance to work. Any­way, you had an amaz­ing expe­ri­ence and I am happy for you.
    My friend who just came back from national ser­vice had an eerie encounter there. Her camp was Kem Chamang, Ben­tong, Pahang. The inci­dent goes like this. There was a girl who can­not stand the pres­sure dur­ing the ser­vice had an attempt to com­mit sui­cide. She went to the top of the fly­ing fox stand and trea­thened the offi­cers to send her home, or else she will jump from there. So this already shows that she had low deter­mi­na­tion and low-spirited. And then, coin­ci­dently, the camp had a talk about AIDS at night on the same day. It was about how those bod­ies of AIDS vic­tims were cleaned and bur­ried after they die. Accord­ing to my friend, it was pretty scarry towards the end, where they started to put those mus­lim funeral music. Quite a num­ber of them freaked out,and some of them cried. Then It hap­pened. When all of them went back to the dorm. The girl who tried to com­mit sui­cide screamed like nobody’s bussi­ness out­side the dorm. She was obvi­ously pos­s­esed. The offi­cers then called a bomoh to calm her down. My friend said that the girl showed that she was low spir­ited and there­fore, it is eas­ier to be pos­s­esed. After that inci­dent, a lot of them were damn scared and wor­ried about noth­ing.
    I bet your camp will have inci­dents sim­i­lar to this.…..Haha!!! Any­way, I had a great time read­ing your posts and I look foward to your next one.

  2. ember

    @ Hui Ting, thank you. Yeah, it was a great expe­ri­ence indeed.

    Some guy, thank god he wasn’t my dorm mate, woke up one late night and started throw­ing his Bible and pil­low around, shout­ing “Father! Father” along with some­thing else we couldn’t tell. It was also because of low in spir­its did he lose his san­ity. He was sent back home a few days later. Other than that, there wasn’t much super­nat­ural stuff going on in my camp. Luck­ily XD

    @ wying, told you to sign up for NS!

    @ Kenny,’s really hard to get used to eh? With them all gone. Thanks, it’s my plea­sure too.. XD do keep in touch!

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