Secret Recipe @ Kuching!

Dad was in good spir­its today so we decided to have lunch at the lat­est hype in town, Kuching’s brand new Secret Recipe. So we were on the way there when we had this conversation.

Sis: You know how they mark-up the prices here in Kuch­ing? It’s now RM69 for a cake instead of just RM60 in KL.
Dad: They prob­a­bly fly the cakes all the way from there, so you’ll never know.
Me: Yealah, fran­chise ma.
Dad: Yea, that’s another point.
Me: ..and som­more, Secret recipe ma, of course they’re fly­ing cakes lah!

Pun intended. XD But really, every­thing there is freak­ing over­priced. We all know how brand recog­ni­tion works, so they need not worry about price hikes even though it’s a whop­ping nine bucks. I mean, you know the dif­fer­ence between a TAKA cheese cake and a Secret Recipe cheese cake right?

Located at Jalan Song Thian Chiok, it takes up a rather hum­ble cor­ner shop lot. The area used to be rather deserted, but no wor­ries, Secret Recipe is here to pull crowds. Which is how it was when we stepped in — crowded.

As with Secret Recipe out­lets nation­wide (or should I say world­wide), it’s inte­rior is fit­ted with retro light­ings and fur­ni­ture. Not for­get­ting those famil­iar hang­ing globe lamps found in every Secret Recipe outlet.

Dad has pre­pared extra leather to fix his wal­let, so with­out fur­ther ado, we grabbed the menu and ordered away. I got myself a Spaghetti Bolog­nese. I must say though, their ser­vice was snail-slow. I know that their hands were all full with all these cus­tomers, but they should already antic­i­pate the amount of human traf­fic com­ing their way with such a brand as theirs, not to men­tion it’s a newly opened out­let in a city where the need for fran­chises like this are long overdue.

Nonethe­less the food was served and…bah, for­get it. I know you’d skip to the pic­tures any­way. XD

the Spaghetti Bolog­nese. Minced meat, but­ter, cheese, cheese and more cheese.

Boy, this is a killer — lo and behold, the Mar­ble Cheesecake.

That lit­tle guy. Mind you, I’m sali­vat­ing while I’m typ­ing this. Remem­ber when I said cof­fee was the most ecsta­tic food? Well I’d take that back. Cheese­cakes are my new god! And I’d be enshrin­ing them between my taste buds! Oh boy, they’re just-so-damn-good. By the way, it costs 6 bucks to get that lil guy to pam­per your taste buds. But its worth it, I tell you, its worth Every. Sin­gle. Cent. XD

Grilled Dory with Lob­ster Sauce.

Its name alone waters your mouth. Imag­ine not it’s taste! XD Mum’s choice, by the way. And oh yeah, the fries beats MacD’s.

Dad got him­self some grilled pep­per chicken which was pretty good too. But no pics. Sorry. XD

Me and my spaghetti bolognese-uh, i mean, my sis. XD

empty plates.

Yeap, we saved the dish­wash­ers some extra scrub­bing work. C’mon, as if the Secret Recipe dish­wash­ers have any­thing to scrub. XD

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