The urge to trot.

I don’t know what came upon me but yes­ter­day out of the blue, I told mum I wanna start jogging.

Um yeah, you heard it right. jog­ging! XD

Okay you can stop laugh­ing now. The plan was to wake up the next day at 6.30am and head to the Taman Wawasan park nearby. Mum would join me too. So I woke up this morn­ing ear­lier than usual. Hon­estly I was so was so tired I was think­ing twice about can­cel­ing the jog­ging idea and head right back to the com­fort of my bed. But I dragged myself out from bed and sheep­ishly headed downstairs.

I don’t know. Per­haps I could be a chance for me to gain some much-needed cen­time­ters to my height. And I have to keep fit as far as my health is con­cerned. I haven’t been keep­ing up at all with all those vig­or­ous exer­cises we had in NS. I some­how lost momentum.

So back on track, we headed for the park. I made sure I took some tunes with me, wiring myself with the head­phones jacked into my w810i.

It was at least 6.50 when I reached the park. And what a pleas­ant sur­prise, I met Pn. Tan Kia Ngin there, my for­mer math teacher, who is already spend­ing her days a retiree. She was also mak­ing her rounds. Good thing she still remem­bers me, heh.

So I updated her with the where­abouts of my class­mates and the likes. Then we had a good, long talk about edu­ca­tion and stuff these days. Ah, there’s noth­ing bet­ter than meet­ing your for­mer teacher while jog­ging in park. XD

Well she excused her­self at around 07.35 and it was until then I realised that I haven’t really jogged. I mean, Pn Tan was jog-not really jog­ging but more of walk­ing albeit in a fast pace. And I had left mum behind jog­ging by her­self. So I headed her way and talked with mum a bit.

Then as mum took some rest, I started my rounds. By then, the sun was already up but still not glar­ing with harm­ful UV rays. I went into a full jog­ging mode for 10 min­utes — yes I timed myself. Not sure really how to start, I vaguely placed a no-less-than 10 min­utes limit for myself. Which turned out okay, for I think I was near my phys­i­cal limit by the time my phone’s stop­watch hit the 9-minute mark.

At one time, my phone non­cha­lantly slipped out of my pocket and went dan­gling by the head­phone wires. I fran­ti­cally tried to grab it as it was hang­ing by my knees just about a feet or two from the ground. But the head­phone jack gave way before I could grab the phone, send­ing it hit­ting the pave­ment with a heart-shattering thump, then slid­ing to a stop 2 meters away from me. Shit. I thought.

Thank good­ness the phone was still work­ing fine when I picked it up to inspect it. The walk­man player was still faith­fully pump­ing out Snow Patrol’s Sig­nal Fire. The crys­tal cas­ing suf­fered a few notice­able scratches but other than that it was no biggy. My phone sur­vived it’s first fall. Heh.

Any­way, I pushed myself until the stop­watch hit 10 min­utes before head­ing back home. I bathed, feel­ing all refreshed. Pretty good habit I must say. XD

I’ll be jog­ging again tomor­row for sure. =P