
So I drove my mum shop­ping that day to Jalan Song’s Upwell super­mar­ket for groceries.

Mum was look­ing for car­rots when we finally found a whole box of them stashed away in a cor­ner. Care­fully labelled:




Uh well, not so care­fully after all. XD Sure reminds me of my child­hood days when I had dif­fi­culty dif­fer­en­ti­at­ing toma­toes and pota­toes. But that, was a good 12 years ago. And pota­toes and car­rots? I’m sure you don’t need a rocket sci­en­tist to tell you the dif­fer­ence. =P

Bugs bunny would be oh so sad. :\

..and if you think that was amus­ing, check this out.





Not less than five steps away from where the pota–uh, I mean, car­rots were, stood these.

Bloody hell. Look at what GE had done, they now pro­duce big, fat, juicy and sour onions. Big onions indeed. :\ They sure had some sense of humour. ..or just sim­ply, an unin­ten­tional sense of humour, if you will. XD

Gotta love shop­ping! XD