Triple Seven Madness


Right. Today’s the day. A once-in-a-lifetime chance to see that com­bi­na­tion on your cal­en­dar. Unless of course, you’re con­fi­dent you’ll be liv­ing up till the year 2107. XD

Maybe, just maybe, that would be pos­si­ble. 😛 Maybe some­time in the future advances in med­ical sci­ence would finally allow men to live for an aver­age lifes­pan of 200 years. Hm. Then I’d be a hun­dred and eigh­teen years old. Wowz­ers. XD

Oh well. Noth­ing much really. I’m bored that’s why. I’m pretty much stay­ing at home all day these days, that’s why the sud­den influx of posts.

Quick. Head out and lick the air. Per­haps it’ll taste dif­fer­ent. XD Maybe the sun would appear a tri­an­gle today. XD Maybe I would gain a few cen­time­ters to my height. Hmm. Oh what the hell.

Today’s also the day my cousin finally weds his bride. It’s also the day the Live Earth con­certs are to be held world­wide. Other than that, I guess it’s gonna be another really hot day in Kuching. :\

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