
Appar­ently it’s time’s up for me being a bystander. I’ve been observ­ing the meme craze (with much peace of mind) in the Kenny Sia and Cheesie’s (they’re so well-known I guess I wouldn’t need add links to those names) cor­ner of the Blo­gos­phere and the tag­ging craze which was spread­ing around those in my blogroll.

It’s only a mat­ter of time..and I’m HIT! Thanks to Kiam.

Uh, well. This being my first tag, I’ll honor it. So here goes.

<Tag con­tent starts here>

Layer 1: On the outside

Name: Lim Sheng Han
Birth Date: 31st Decem­ber 1989
Cur­rent Sta­tus: Translu­cent. (I’ll use May’s take on this word. XD)
Eye Colour: Black I guess. It says ‘brown’ on my pass­port though.
Hair Colour: Black

Layer 2: On the inside

My Her­itage: Chi­nese
My Fears: The freakin stage!
My Weak­nesses: Talk­ing in front of loads of peo­ple. All those eyes, eye­ing your every move..as if wait­ing for that per­fect moment when you screw up..and with me get­ting more and nervous..gah! You get the pic­ture.
My Per­fect Pizza: Uh, not much of a pizza hut goer. Give me pics, i’ll tell you. Unfor­tu­nately I don’t remem­ber any names from the menu.

Layer 3: Yes­ter­day, Today, Tomorrow

My First Thoughts of wak­ing Up: Bloody hell, it’s ten!
My Bed Time: 12am to 8am on aver­age. Vari­ables: a cool morn­ing, late night chats, late morn­ing lec­tures and lazy after­noons.
My Most Missed Mem­o­ries : Human stack­pil­ing with my NS buddies!

Layer 4: My Pick

Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonald’s or Burger King: Burger King.
Sin­gle or Group Dates: Sin­gle
Adi­das or Nike: Nike
Tea or Nestea: Is there a dif­fer­ence? Or should that be ‘Nescafe’? Tea per­haps.
Choco­late or Vanilla: Do I have to answer? XD Choco­late
Cap­puc­cino or cof­fee: Cap­puc­cino

Layer 5: Do You..

Smoke: Nope
Curse: Just to blend in with cer­tain friends.
Take A Shower: No. What d’you think?
Have A crush: Used to. Then again who doesn’t?
Go To School: Of course.
Want To Get Mar­ried: Not right now.
Believe In You­self: Sub­con­sciously, I don’t. I lack con­fi­dence.
: Sadly, no. My par­ents are, but I remain stub­born. Enjoy life while you can, peeps! Don’t be like me though. =P

Layer 6: In The Past

Drink Alco­hol: Took some small sips out of curi­ousty. and that’s all.
Gone to the Mall: Of course!
Been on Stage: Quite a few times, despite me hav­ing stage fright.
Eaten Sushi: Yeap. Orig­i­nal Japan­ese ones. XD
Dyed Your Hair: Nope.

Layer 7: Have You Ever..

Played A Strip­ping Game: Uh..what?
Changed Who You Were To Fit In: Yeah, quite a few times by the way.

Layer 8: Are You Hop­ing To..

Get Mar­ried: Per­haps.

Layer 9: In A Girl/Guy

Best Eye Colour: I could care less.
Best Hair Colour: No opin­ion on this, as long as it suits the look.
Short or Long Hair: Long. 😀

Layer 10: What You Were Doing

A Minute Ago: Answer­ing these bloody ques­tions.
Hour Ago: Found out that I was bloody tagged by Kiam?
Four And A Half Hours Ago: Snor­ing my ceil­ing off. Don’t look at me, I slept at 2am last night. (more on this later)
A Month Ago: Got my Swin­burne offer let­ter. XD
A Year Ago: Uh. Wor­ry­ing about the few dig­its left in my SPM countdown?

Layer 11: Fin­ish The Sentences

I Love: Laksa and chocs. Noth­ing else. XD Oh okay, but I’m lazy to list every­thing out. =P
I Hate: Back­stab­bers. ‘Nuff said.
I Hide: Deep dark secrets of my noto­ri­ous child­hood. XD Nah, kid­din. Seri­ously though, every­one guards their own vault of secrets no?
I Miss: My NS days..
I Need: A mean­ing to life.

Layer 12: Tag 5 People

*evil smirk* hehehe.
* Billy
* Ryan (posted!)
* Eddie
* May (posted!)
* Hui Ting

<end of tag content>

Well, it’ll be great if you do as you’re tagged but I wouldn’t force you. I know how it feels to realise you’ve tagged 1.30am in the morn­ing. Hey, but at least some­one cares to list you. XD

Ookay, I’ve spent enough time on this. Happy tag­ging! XD

Edit: It appears that I’m double-tagged. Piaw tagged me again, grr. But sorry man, this is the only tag post of this same topic here I’m afraid, no mat­ter how many times you guys decide to tag me. XD wua­haha =P