Month: August 2007

5th week and counting.

Note: out­dated post. XD Not going to put what I’ve writ­ten to waste so.. Seems like it was just yes­ter­day we had our ori­en­ta­tion. XD It’s my fifth week in Swin­burne already. Assign­ments and tests are already head­ing our way. Thank good­ness our Oral Comm. assess­ment is long over, and Eng. Math test are already behind us! XD […]

When it is your happiest birthday.

Pizza hut Jalan Song has been one of our favourite venues for cel­e­brat­ing birth­days. Last month, it was Evelyn’s 18th. Today, we cel­e­brated Siaw Yee a.k.a Fishie’s birth­day at that very same place. our usual cor­ner. It was more like a 5 Atom class reunion. With the excep­tion of the form six gang, most of us […]

Off the web

First of all, I’m post­ing this from Swinburne’s open lab. It’s after class hours and I just fin­ished my first oral assess­ment. Whew! But more on that later. Two days ago, a bloody thun­der­storm knocked out my DSL Router, ren­der­ing it use­less. So surf­ing the inter­net from home is out of the ques­tion. And if that […]