5th week and counting.

Note: out­dated post. XD Not going to put what I’ve writ­ten to waste so..

Seems like it was just yes­ter­day we had our ori­en­ta­tion. XD

It’s my fifth week in Swin­burne already. Assign­ments and tests are already head­ing our way. Thank good­ness our Oral Comm. assess­ment is long over, and Eng. Math test are already behind us! XD

Oral Comm. Assess­ment one. — group dis­cus­sion. ah soon’s group. XD

Lec­tures are from 8am to 5pm on aver­age. Any free time between them we’ll spend either at the library, the fifth floor open lab, cafe­te­ria or at Chillipepers.

off-peak hours @ Chill­ipepers. when it’s peak time, the crowd could fill this frame. XD

So that’s pretty much life for the past four weeks. And when I men­tion ‘we’ I mean my gang of bud­dies, wang soon aka Ah soon, Siat Wei aka ah siat, ah piaw and me. Crazy dudes, them. So crazy, four of us are poten­tially noto­ri­ous for talk­ing dur­ing lec­tures. XD Oh okay, I prob­a­bly shouldn’t be proud of that. But who cares, we have fun. =P

Of course, when it comes to work and assign­ments, we’ll be doing them in the library.

Lec­tur­ers are okay. Most of them at least. We have physics lec­tur­ers with impres­sive career pro­files, an oral comm. lec­turer with an impec­ca­ble com­mand of Eng­lish, an Engi­neer­ing Math. lec­turer with a weird Eng­lish accent but knows his stuff, a for­mer high school prin­ci­pal for the Read­ing for Aca­d­e­mic Pur­poses sub­ject, and uh, a Finite Math. lec­turer who’s on sick leave for the rest of the semes­ter after falling down the stairs. Ouch. Swin­burne needs more lifts! XD

The Oral Comm. group dis­cus­sion assess­ment we had on the 3rd week was pretty okay. At least that’s what we thought. Results aren’t out yet so..fingers are still crossed. XD Our topic was about mixed mar­riages, its ben­e­fits and dis­ad­van­tages. Not really tough actu­ally, but the catch was this, our groups are deter­mined by draw­ing lots. So, I ended up with Melanie, Wei Ching, Siti and myself. Three gals and me. Gawd.

Any­way, that’s over so uh, for­get it. XD

Oh well, let the pic­tures speak, shall we? =)

A typ­i­cal Physics A lec­ture at the auditorium

..with our beloved lec­turer pro­fes­sor Justo Diaz from the NZXD

..typ­i­cal Physics tuto­r­ial class with Adri­ana Lai.

..typ­i­cal Physics lab ses­sion. Check out the equip­ment. XD

..typ­i­cal engi­neer­ing math tuto­r­ial class with our cute teacher. Ms Chong. =P

and her students..

..typ­i­cal finite math­e­mat­ics lec­ture.

..another typ­i­cal read­ing for aca­d­e­mic pur­poses class with Mr. Chan.

..a typ­i­cal IT lec­ture with Ms.Marlene Lu.

..and a typ­i­cal com­mute to Swin­burne. Bloody traffic.