Random Mid-Semester post.

It’s life back to nor­mal after every­thing. But its hard to neglect what I call the ‘Catsc­ity Clique effect’.

See that huge burst of traf­fic to my blog? That’s what I call the Catsc­ity Clique Effect. =D

I know, it’s already a week since the blog­gers’ meet, but seri­ously, life’s been so busy ever since. Of course, it hadn’t got any­thing to do with the meet; it’s only that the col­lege term is reach­ing its exam season.

And when I mean busy, I mean busy.

Next mon­day would be our 3rd and final Oral Comm. assess­ment. This time it’ll be a three mem­ber team pre­sen­ta­tion with power point slides, 15 min­utes, free topic, and lots of nerves. And that, cur­rently, is our top pri­or­ity, for there will be scripts to draft, witty phrases to brain­storm, slides to design, port­fo­lio to be typed and lots and lots of brain­juice to be consumed.

Not to men­tion the tests head­ing our way these few weeks, they’re so many of them I won’t even bother to list them out here but it’s crazy. Some­times you’d just won­der when will the brakes apply.

But for now, and for the fol­low­ing weeks to come, it will be full-force ahead.

Any­way, Sep­tem­ber, for me and for per­haps a lot of you too, is the birth­day sea­son. We just cel­e­brated Dad’s last Friday.

Taka as usual. XD

Then it was Jeffrey’s the next day, held at his house.

He invited so many peo­ple, a good half of the guests that night were strangers. Now that’s rare for a pop­u­lar guy like me. XD

Oh well, life goes on.

So does the Swin­burne cam­pus expan­sion con­struc­tion going on next door.. Despite being rumoured to be 2 months behind schedule.

Tonight is the night most of us would cel­e­brate the moon­cake fes­ti­val. Kids are run­ning around the neigh­bour­hood with their lanterns as I type this, really makes me recall the times when I was one of them. Times have changed, my par­ents are out, sister’s hav­ing tuition and I’m here, bloody blogging.

Gosh, I feel so old. Now where did I keep those bloody lanterns..