I ran over a poor cat.

Look, I hate blog­ging about this, I really do. In fact, I didn’t even plan on writ­ing about this here and this actu­ally hap­pened a few days ago. But I have to get this outta my chest.

Some of you may remem­ber how I use to envy cats sleep­ing in our car porch. With pic­tures like this:

Well that other night, ah soon called me out for mee sapi. So there I was revers­ing out from the car porch when sud­denly felt the car going over some usu­ally large bump, both front and rear tyres. I ini­tially thought it was the auto gate tracks until I was just out­side my gate when I saw a whitish thing throw­ing itself around the car porch.

Lit­er­ally dude. That cat was lit­er­ally flip­ping and throw­ing itself around, like those peo­ple being pos­sessed by spir­its you see in the movies. It is the hor­ror when real­i­sa­tion strikes you on what had you done.

I was like. Bloody hell.

There I was, pet­ri­fied with my both hands on the wheel, star­ing at the cat react­ing to what looks like excru­ci­at­ing pain of hav­ing a car run over itself. I watched in utter sor­ry­ness.

I pulled the hand­brake, killed the engine and stepped out of the car when the cat finally gave up its strug­gle. It came to a rest near some flower pots. I approached the poor cat as silently as I could, so I prob­a­bly could try to com­fort it or some­thing you know.

It was pant­ing like there’s no tomor­row. There weren’t any vis­i­ble injuries for­tu­nately, but the injuries were obvi­ously (or un-obviously) inter­nal. But there were black tyre marks over its fur which made my heart sank again. Damn. Before I could make another step for­ward, it leap up and dashed across and up over the fence into my neighbour’s yard.

Damn again. No chance to save that poor thing.

This is the cat I ran over. Till this day, I have yet to see it around when it used to be a fre­quent vis­i­tor to our yard. I bloody hope that poor cat sur­vives. After all, cat’s have nine lives no?

But really, I went on to fetch ah soon keep­ing a con­stant 60 km/h and an extra alert look­out for cats on the road.

I’m so sorry.

8 thoughts on “I ran over a poor cat.

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