Getting pro in ProStreet

I have this game for about two weeks now, and I must say Need for Speed ProStreet is one heck of a game!

Gone are the days where you drive a 200km/h block of metal into a wall and end up with­out a sin­gle dent. Because car dam­age is back in ProStreet! Whether thats good or not, it’s totally up to you. Frus­trat­ing as it can be at times, but I think rac­ing has become much more real­is­tic with dam­age and not to men­tion bloody chal­leng­ing! xD

Though at times things could get pretty ugly. =\

Graph­ics in ProStreet are eas­ily the pret­ti­est in any rac­ing game I’ve played, really. I had graph­ics set­tings all set to max and the game still runs as smooth as your momma’s ass. xD Save for some minor lags dur­ing the race day scenes but other than that, it’s really that pretty. =D

Basi­cally, there are four rac­ing modes in ProStreet. Namely, the grip, drift­ing, drag and speed chal­lenges. And unlike Car­bon, all of the races in ProStreet are set in real life legal rac­ing tracks around the world. No more street rac­ing, incom­ing traf­fic or cops. But that hadn’t taken the fun out of ProStreet though. =D

Grip rac­ing is all about han­dling. It’s like your aver­age cross-the-finish-line-first race but add in tons of tricky steep turns and cor­ners, you have the grip. Things usu­ally gets irky when you start slam­ming walls when brak­ing at 200km/h round a cor­ner just doesn’t cut it.

And remem­ber, there’s car dam­age for you to worry about. Cross the fin­ish line with a car made of twisted metal and you’re done with the repair costs. xD

If you’ve mas­tered drift­ing in Car­bon, I have to tell you its not going to be the same in ProStreet. It took me awhile to mas­ter drift­ing in ProStreet but when you have drift­ing skills at your fin­ger­tips, you’ll be crav­ing for more! xD Slide your ride ’round that cor­ner dude, it’s an art! =D

Drag rac­ing in ProStreet are eas­ily most depen­dant on opti­mal tun­ing in ProStreet. If you ain’t a know it all in car tun­ing, its time you edu­cate your­self because ProStreet takes every tweak you make to your car very seri­ously. Or if you wanna take a short cut like me, just head to some of the NFS forums out there for those juicy tips and advice. XD

And when you suc­ceed in tun­ing that per­fect drag machine, it’s a bat­tle with time! Not with the AI, they’re really pathetic, even the Drag King.

If you’d ask me, I’d say Speed Chal­lenge races are most well, chal­leng­ing. Speed chal­lenge is all about, you guessed it, speed. At 300 kilo­me­ters per hour, a slight bump on the road could send your car fly­ing all over the place. And when that hap­pens, you’ll be treated to a scenic cam­era view of your car being reduced into a spec­tac­u­lar shower of scrap metal. xD

Heck, even win­ning a race doesn’t give you such nice cam­era angles.

But really, speed rac­ing in my opin­ion requires the most con­cen­tra­tion and demands per­fec­tion. Lose one turn and your car is done. Some­times its really good enough just to cross the fin­ish line in one piece.

The sto­ry­line in ProStreet is pretty straight­for­ward, you’re Ryan Cooper and you’re sup­posed to be a ris­ing star which would make your way through your career to defeat the Show­down King, Ryo Watan­abe, along with the other Kings of each mode of racing.

Yeah, that lame look­ing dude with short sleeves is you.

At this point, I can tell you that beat­ing the Kings are pretty easy, espe­cially the Grip and Drag Kings, which are both really pathetic. But get­ting the race days to beat them unlocked is another story.

If you got what it takes, head all out! By all means. xD

And while I’m at this topic, I have to say that I’m totally madly in love with the brand-new EVO X! Damn does that mon­ster look sleek. XD

It’s eas­ily my favourite car in ProStreet. =D

In short, ProStreet has really lived up to its hype and the guys at EA had done it again! Stun­ning graph­ics, grip­ping sto­ry­line, kick-ass cutscenes, sexy babes range of cars, cool graf­fiti, and an excit­ing sound­track selec­tion, it’s Need for Speed ProStreet for you!

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