Pastamania @ Aeon Bukit Tinggi

The day before we went out with Hikari and the gang, my aunt brought us to Klang’s spanking-new Aeon Bukit Tinggi mall. It is appar­ently the largest Jusco shop­ping cen­tre in the whole of South­east Asia. It may not be as big as Mid­val­ley but it surely looks huge. I can safely say ten Boule­vards could fit into it’s com­pound includ­ing all its park­ing bays. =D

Seri­ously, Kuch­ing needs malls of this size. Not tiny ones like Boulevard.

While my aunt went on her offi­cial duty, we spent our time hang­ing around. The mall was sur­pris­ingly deserted, even with a pretty good selec­tion of out­lets, prob­a­bly suf­fer­ing from the new-mall-syndrome. xD

The plan was for us to hang around until din­ner. So we had to choose a place to eat. Sounds easy? Not quite.

It’s not because of the lack of choice, in fact, there were plenty of renowned fran­chis­ers oper­at­ing there. Okay, so you know eater­ies in huge malls and how expen­sive they are?

Prob­lem is, me and my sis for­got to bring our bloody wal­lets, and we have tag­ging along us, two lit­tle cousins of mine. So walk­ing around a huge mall look­ing for a place to eat with all those big names around you with­out a wal­let isn’t a really good idea.

So we sort of looked around for the cheap­est ones and set­tled for this Pas­ta­Ma­nia out­let right oppo­site Starbucks.

We hes­i­tated for awhile before we were ush­ered in by some very friendly wait­ers. But when we looked through the menu and saw all those 15 bucks on aver­age prices, we thought, no way, and sneaked out!

A few steps into look­ing for cheap eater­ies, we started to regret sneak­ing out from Pas­ta­Ma­nia. And when we finally decided that Star­bucks, Kenny Rogers Roast­ers, KFC and McD isn’t any cheaper, we rather awk­wardly walked back into Pas­ta­Ma­nia, being ush­ered in again by the very same wait­ers. Talk about being thick faced! XD

We sort of sur­ren­dered to the pric­ing and ordered away. I got myself a Chicken Sausage spaghetti. Don’t be deceived by it’s inno­cent name though, for it was So. Bloody. Spicy! Even your aver­age bowl of Curry Mee doesn’t sting as much as this plate. I was lit­er­ally in tears all through­out the meal. =\

Nonethe­less, it didn’t taste so bad. Despite it’s over-spiciness, they man­aged to retain it’s creami­ness, which was what made me wipe that plate clean. =D The slices of chicken sausages were quite good though!

My cousin, Wei Fan, went for this absolutely heav­enly Creamy Chicken spaghetti. Did I say heav­enly? You bet. Every­one knows how chicken taste like, but when you add tons of cream into it, oh boy! xD

My other (younger) cousin, Wei Han, ordered this Spaghetti Bolog­nese. Didn’t get to try it but it sure looks good!

My sis­ter went for some­thing slightly more exotic. Al Funghi as they call it, is slices of Shi­itake mush­rooms (that’s a Japan­ese word, mind how you pro­nounce it. xD) in cream sauce. She liked it, I sup­pose. But I wasn’t really used to the taste. Funghi? Ummm..okay.

Well, the tomato cream soup which came with the spaghetti’s were also very nice. Cou­pled with slices of gar­lic bread. But as for the spaghetti them­selves, Bella Italia of Kuch­ing still retains my num­ber one spot. =D Pas­ta­Ma­nia could very well be lead­ing in second.

Come to think of it, per­haps if I was the one wip­ing that plate of Creamy Chicken spaghetti, that might be a dif­fer­ent story. XD

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