Murder in the sands!

Woa. That title almost sounds as if its some Las Vegas crime. XD

WARNING: Viewer dis­cre­tion is advised. Those who puke at the sight of gore and blood may be advised to look away immediately.

It ain’t no CSI Las Vegas drama I’m gonna talk about. But it still calls the need for CSIs for there has been a mur­der in our yard!

Behold, the crime scene.

Crime scene

OMG the ter­ror! Look at all that blood and flesh! =o

Blood and flesh

*gulps puke back* Bloody hell. Does any liv­ing crea­ture on earth deserve such bru­tal and ruth­less killing?


I mean, *gulp* look at the signs of strug­gle. Looks like our vic­tim had lit­tle chances of survival. =\

The CSIs were sum­moned and after a thor­ough inspec­tion of the crime scene, a vital piece of evi­dence was found. We clearly missed it in all the frenzy of death and murder.

Behold, the only vital clue to the murder.


The thumbprint paw-print, was iden­ti­fied belong­ing to Stray Cat #29382 and is known to be armed and dan­ger­ous. #29382 is now the prime sus­pect in the investigation.

Suspect photo release

The vic­tim, iden­ti­fied through DNA as Home­less Pigeon #823862364 is believed to have died on the spot. Remains of its body are found on the crime scene whilst the rest of its body is believed to be inside #29382.

Res­i­dents of the once-charming Cat City were trau­ma­tized by the bru­tal slay­ing early this morn­ing. The Feline Bureau of Inves­ti­ga­tion (FBI) will be head­ing the inves­ti­ga­tion into the killings.

Jus­tice will be served!

Seri­ously though, cats can be scary some­times. =P

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