The eve of spring.

It’s that sea­son again.

Orange shoot 1

Red, oranges, ang pows, fire­works, you know the drill.

Orange shoot 2

One thing I always love about Chi­nese New Year is the FOOD. Well Mom and sis is already prepar­ing for the reunion din­ner as I’m typ­ing this. And see­ing the pic­tures of a par­tic­u­lar fruit through­out this post you’d know I’d be talk­ing about them — Man­drin oranges. xD

Orange corner at Boulevard

Thanks to Boule­vard, we stocked up LOADs of them tiny and bloody sweet man­drin oranges. It was a frenzy when Boule­vard had them avail­able at dirt cheap prices.

Orange shoot 3

Gawd. My cheeks are sour­ing at the sight of these sweet and tangy fruit avail­able only once a year.

Orange shoot 4

Well, when we’re not munch­ing away on these seed­less tan­ger­ines, we’d hand-pick a bunch of them to be scru­ti­nized under the cam­era lense. xD Dad even delib­er­ately picked those with leafs for that photo opportunity.

The result is all the pho­tos you see in this post, taken on our din­ing table.

Orange shooting set

The set. The shots you see above were all focused on the tip of that bunch you see above. With the rest of the oranges serv­ing as a back­drop, kinda. =D

The light­ing was great, morn­ing light com­ing from the kitchen windows.

But after lots of snap­ping (we took at least 40 shots) and try­ing out tons of dif­fer­ent angles and arrange­ments, my sis and I got bored.

We looked at all the fruits on the table and had a brain fart.




Orange brain fart

My sis’s (rather) lame attempt. She looked like she was try­ing to gob­ble a whole KFC XL burger in one go. We were try­ing to achieve that effect of..wait, what actu­ally were we try­ing to do..? xD

After we had enough of rolling on the floor laugh­ing, my sis chal­lenged me if I could do better:




Orange brain fart

Gawd, I failed. Miserably.

Note to self: Need to eat more oranges. I’m constipated.

P/s: A Happy Chi­nese New Year to you all out there! =D