Month: March 2008

The agony

Arrrrgh. My lower lips are throb­bing with pain now. This morn­ing four bloody ulcers decided to rear their ugly heads all over my lower lip. Seen above are only three of them bas­tards, the last one is hid­den deep inside. And the fact that my mom chose to cook our favourite nasi kun­yit with curry today […]

The Inaugural Post

The hol­i­days are killing me. Seri­ously, stray spores some­how made their way all over me and I’m fast becom­ing a breed­ing haven for MUSHROOMS. Thank god for the enrol­ment day, which means Semes­ter two is com­menc­ing! =D Funny how you always long for hol­i­days when study­ing and long for classes while hol­i­day­ing. And this is […]