The agony


My lower lips are throb­bing with pain now.


This morn­ing four bloody ulcers decided to rear their ugly heads all over my lower lip. Seen above are only three of them bas­tards, the last one is hid­den deep inside.

And the fact that my mom chose to cook our favourite nasi kun­yit with curry today isn’t any help!

hail the yelloww rice

Nasi kun­yit is sim­ply, gluti­nous rice soaked overnight in turmeric juice. Its the turmeric extract that gives that bright yel­low­ish colour. We had these for lunch.

I took a bite before the curry was out, Mmm.

Then, all of our plates were soon flooded with curry over the nasi kunyit.


I looked at my plate, sali­vate a lit­tle, and realised my four warn­ing bea­cons on the lower lip were beep­ing fran­ti­cally. I thought, what the heck. And had my lunch.

Boy, it was gooood! The curry was so good, the throb­bing ulcers were reduced to a numb.

I thought it was gonna be okay after lunch but nooo, the throb­bing pain came back and soon I was talk­ing with my mouth open. I couldn’t even crack a smile with­out shed­ding a tear out of pain. Don’t even think of mak­ing me laugh for today is my no-jokes day.

Now I’m sit­ting here with my lower lip twice the size of its upper sib­ling. Bummer. =|

P/s: Happy birth­day Cat! Sorry couldn’t join you guys for the cel­e­bra­tion. (and no, it wasn’t because of the ulcers, I had some­thing to attend to) XD

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