The drink — Yours truly version.

The scorch­ing weather in usually-wet-Kuching for the past week sucks. I can’t believe I’m still bloody per­spir­ing under the ceil­ing fan spin­ning on full speed.

And the fact that Cindy (and not Hanis) won in MDG isn’t any help. But um, that’s totally non-relevant.

So any­way, back to the weather-bashing. Not that I could get the heat of the weather off my mind though. Bloody sunny days. Good for the trees, birds, but­ter­flies and flow­ers but so not for me and the rapidly melt­ing ice in my glass of teh-C peng. =(

Well that other day, dur­ing one of those very, very rare trips of mine to the super­mar­ket with my par­ents, I man­aged to get mom to buy a whole bot­tle of syrup off the shelves of Choice Pre­mier. Not just any syrup, but one that could only be used to make one drink — teh-C peng. No points for guess­ing right. =P

Teh C peng syrup

I also man­aged to find the Car­na­tion brand evap­o­rated milk, which is from where the C in ‘teh-C peng’ orig­i­nates. Call me a cave­man but that was really the first time I ever recall see­ing that par­tic­u­lar brand. =\ I really didn’t know the C stood for Car­na­tion. Cave­man, I know.

So it was one of those really hot after­noons when I thought I’d make myself that drink I’ve been so used to order every­time I eat out.


First, I attempted to brew the tea. I could’ve boiled the whole ket­tle of water by plac­ing it under the sun out­side but I did oth­er­wise. Not want­ing to fail my first attempt in mak­ing my own teh-C peng, I used two tea bags for that added oomph. The cup of tea turned so dark I won­dered if I acci­den­tally sub­merged Kopi-o bags into the cup instead.

Adding syrup and milk

Then I made a cup of syrup peng, fol­lowed by another cup of Syrup-C peng.

No seri­ously, I had no idea the pro­por­tions required of each ingre­di­ent. I poured the syrup until it felt like it should be enough, roughly with the help of men­tal images of how three-layer teh-C peng glasses looked like. But when pour­ing in the milk, I got too immersed in mak­ing sure the two ingre­di­ents didn’t mix until, well, you decide if that’s too much milk. =\

Finally add the tea

As for the grand finale, the tea I brewed ear­lier was intro­duced into the con­coc­tion. This part was tricky, I got lazy and for­got all about retain­ing the dis­tinct three-layer effect when I poured the tea in too fast. Thus, mix­ing up much of the milk and tea. As a result, I had to scoop the remain­der of the tea into the cup, spoon by spoon, to make up for the loss.

After a whole hour spent in the kitchen, with amaz­ing pro­duc­tiv­ity, I pro­duced a grand total of .. one glass. And that’s not even includ­ing the time I left the tea (and the teabags) to brew.

Gee, I didn’t know mak­ing a glass of teh-C peng could be this painstaking.

P.S.: Check out my page on the drink here. I added a ref­er­ence to this post under the header on how to make your­self a glass of teh-C peng. =)

P.P.S: Be fore­warned, this post only serves as a very very brief walk­through and is by no means a com­plete guide. Never ever use it as a bench­mark.. unless you like taste­less teh-C pengs. =P Seri­ously man. =(

11 thoughts on “The drink — Yours truly version.

  1. wying

    the gula tcp is actu­ally the gula atap le, isn’t it? just because the 3-layered-tcp become famous then peo­ple change its name so that every­one recog­nises it.

    btw, ah han, don’t drink too much. you might have high poten­tial to be a dia­betes type-1 patient. Your Islets of Langer­hans might not be able to pro­duce enough insulin to change the glu­cose in your body to glyco­gen and to store it in your liver. In that case you might have to go for dila­tion, which will take 3 hours per time. The symp­toms for dia­betes are: fre­quent uri­nat­ing, drink­ing water fre­quently, and also… oh oooops, i’m sorry. Did i tell you i’m hav­ing my semes­ter exam next week? xD

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