Month: June 2008

Battlefield: Tomorrow.

KUCHING: Tomor­row marks the begin­ning of the week-long finals bat­tle between Swin­burne foun­da­tion stu­dents and test papers. On the front lines, we have Aca­d­e­mic Writ­ing and Engi­neer­ing Math. While Aca­d­e­mic Writ­ing might pose a rather easy tar­get, ana­lysts say, the strong­hold of Engi­neer­ing Math is deemed to bring a tough fight. Con­fi­dence, how­ever, of winning […]

The week before.

JUNE 17TH: Help cat­a­pult Fire­fox into the Guin­ness World Records as the “most down­loaded soft­ware in 24 hours” by down­load­ing Fire­fox 3 when it comes out! I have pledged, have you? Edit: It’s out! Go get it! —– I can’t believe I pulled through last week. More so on the fact that I left my blog […]