One down, another to go.

Gawd. It’s June already.

Research report is done and over with, which leaves the IT 2 web site project and the dreaded finals.

Well I saw your raised eye­brow on that IT 2 web site project thingy. So here’s a scree­nie of what I’ve been work­ing on:

IT2 Screenie Zero

Okay, I’ll just name your reac­tion the inaudi­ble wow.

As you can see, this time we’re work­ing on Sport Util­ity Vehi­cles. Another spur of the moment idea of a topic when we saw two other groups each work­ing on sports cars and another on some­thing along the lines of eco­nom­i­cal cars.

So you see, we really suck at think­ing of top­ics to do.

And no, that is not how our web­site cur­rently looks like. I didn’t leave my blog unat­tended for a week for noth­ing now ey? But the design isn’t quite done yet. That’s the prob­lem with wannabe web design­ers like me. There’s no such thing as com­pleted work.

I find it really hard to lay back and say, “OK, that’s done and lets call it a day.” There seem to be prob­lems in every cor­ner no mat­ter how hard I improve on things. And when that hap­pens, its back to the draw­ing board and the cycle con­tin­ues. Gee, I’ve really got to stop work­ing on the design­ing part and get on with the wordings. =(

On a related note, while doing research on SUVs to be included in our web­site, I saw my lust grew for her.

The Porsche Cayenne. Look at her, all wet and ready.

The Porsche Cayenne

Is it just me, or she is sexy?

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