The week before.

JUNE 17TH: Help cat­a­pult Fire­fox into the Guin­ness World Records as the “most down­loaded soft­ware in 24 hours” by down­load­ing Fire­fox 3 when it comes out! I have pledged, have you? Edit: It’s out! Go get it!


I can’t believe I pulled through last week. More so on the fact that I left my blog unat­tended for half-a-month. Half-a-godforsaken-month! By the blogosphere’s stan­dards, fif­teen days is an eternity.

But in the week before, eter­nity was seven days.

I did the impos­si­ble. I redesigned and coded a web­site in three days, com­plete with a pre­sen­ta­tion and reports on the fourth day. I had four bloody tests that week alone. I had to cover a nine mind-boggling chap­ters of Physics in two days, just so I wouldn’t fail all that badly. All that, with my par­ents over­seas for the week.

New Swinburne Admin block

The screen­shot I posted before (in the pre­vi­ous post) of the IT web­site project I was work­ing on, was how it looked like in its ear­lier stages. I took a very con­ser­v­a­tive approach in the design, with an all-too-typical two col­umn lay­out coded with sim­ple html and css. No flash, no Ajaxy stuff, no noth­ing. Plain, bare­bones. When Ms. Mar­lene looked through it for the first time with her lips pursed, it was clear she was any­thing but satisfied.

Her soar­ing expec­ta­tions for our group required me to return to the draw­ing board for real and cook up some­thing new. The dead­line was just three days away.

With the help of iced cof­fee and lots of patience, I redesigned and recoded every­thing from scratch. Leav­ing no room for any pursed lips.

All About SUVs

Luck­ily for me and my san­ity, the redesign appealed to her.

I did plan to upload the web­site for you folks to play around with, but I hadn’t got the time to opti­mize the load times and do some seri­ous bug-squashing. For believe me when I say the rushed work is plagued with bugs. But its amaz­ing what you can achieve in three days.

Physics though, makes you realise how much can’t you achieve in a day. Cov­er­ing 9 chap­ters in two days for a Physics test is a def­i­nite no-no. I had learn that the hard way. =(

Welp. If there’s any­thing good that came out of the week before, it would be Coldplay’s new album.

Coldplay's Viva la Vida

Viva la Vida just sounds so epic! I swear my lap­top would shut on me if I ever double-click on that track again. Not to men­tion Straw­berry Swing, a rather joy­ous take on the usual melan­cholic nature of Coldplay’s works. I swear I thought the instru­ment used in the intro of Straw­berry Swing was the sape

With the finals com­ing up next week, it seems that time is and always has been, against us.

Oh well, Cold­play is here to cast me into oblivion.

Cue African gui­tar beats ala Straw­berry Swing,

“It’s suuu-ch… It’s su-ch a per­fect day.”

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