Done with Semester Two!

Wow. This is sur­real. The first day of the hol­i­days and I’m already sit­ting here feel­ing the bore­dom of bloody hot after­noons. Less than 24 hours ago I was sit­ting in the exam hall using up the last of my brain­juice reserves.

I swear my head is crackling-dry now.

The finals are thank­fully, his­tory. All the sweat and anx­i­ety left on the 8th floor as we turn our backs on the dou­ble doors of LH8.13 after our Physics paper.

Swinburne 8th Floor

The Physics B paper was.. okay. My last minute of skim­ming through the pre­vi­ous test papers paid off when sim­i­lar ques­tions came out. Engi­neer­ing Math did suck a lit­tle though. So I’m gonna have to pray really hard for a damned pass.

But that, will be none of my wor­ries for the next week or two. =)

For its time to enjoy life. Like this cat.

Sleeping Cat

Except it didn’t quite enjoy one of its nine lives when I drove over her last Novem­ber.

Its been seven months. And I can’t recall if I did ever saw her lying around the house. Then again, for the past few months hec­tic cam­pus life meant I was pay­ing less atten­tion to cats in the car porch, if any.

Well since my his­tory with cats and exam sea­sons go back a long time. I was half-expecting that long-lost cat to show up this time around since it was the finals.

And oh yeah did she show up.

..the day before my Physics paper.

Cat and cat

At least she’s enjoy­ing THIS life. =D


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