Got Print?

If you’d ask me, one of the most wel­com­ing sight one could expect of their front gate would be the arrival of a deliv­ery van. For the past few weeks, I’ve been expect­ing one like a 6-year-old would expect the ice-cream man. One showed up yes­ter­day and deliv­ered me this!

Print arrives!

I could instantly tell what it was at the sight of that logo.

I hadn’t expected it to come in a poster tube though. I was think­ing more of like a thick enve­lope or something.

Pop opens

I popped its cap open as fast as a 6-year-old would pry open his can of Mis­ter Potato.

Only it wasn’t chips inside, but a rolled up pho­to­graphic paper wrapped in plastic.

I ripped off the plas­tic like a 6-year-old would uh, damn.. I ran out of analo­gies fea­tur­ing six-year-olds. But yeah, you get the idea. =)

Print Unveiled!

And voila!

I spread the poster open, grin­ning from ear to ear, like how a 6-year-old (hehehe.) would react with a huge lol­lipop in his arms.

If that poster doesn’t look famil­iar to you, it’s a printed ver­sion of my 2004 Christ­mas wall­pa­per! Ordered nice and hot, straight from the deviantART print shop deliv­ered all the way from the US of A.

You see, deviantART emailed me a few weeks ago say­ing that they will be dis­con­tin­u­ing ‘Artist dis­count’ priv­i­leges on my own prints in a week. Me being a dor­mant mem­ber of deviantART, I’ve never ven­tured after that ‘Buy this print’ button.

So I decided to check out just how much this, ‘Artist dis­count’ is worth. It just hap­pened that I had sub­mit­ted this par­tic­u­lar piece for the print shop a while ago. And thus I went through the steps as if I wanted to buy my own print.. until I saw that print in red.

dA Shopping Cart

Holy smokes!, I thought. That’s 30 bucks of savings!

I fell for it, shelved out 7.40 USD off my Pay­pal for a 23 by 30 cm matte print and three weeks later, here it is.

Sure, you could spend a mere 3 bucks locally print­ing a poster way big­ger than this one. But nothing’s like see­ing your work printed out by that same art com­mu­nity that once sparked my inter­est in design.

Christmas 04 Print Matte surface

This lit­tle guy is so gonna get framed up. =D

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