Seasons greetings and updates.

Merry Christ­mas folks!

It might be a lit­tle late already, but as part of a tra­di­tion, I’ve updated the header to reflect the fes­tive sea­son! I must say though, of all the header’s I’ve done this one’s gotta be the most inten­sive one I’ve worked on. I had much fun work­ing on it though!

Which reminds me, I been want­ing for­ever to update my port­fo­lio with all that head­ers I’ve put up before. Not to men­tion quite a few web­sites I’ve designed over the past few weeks.

So yeah. I’m still alive.

The hol­i­days has been.. wait for it, hec­tic. That’s all you hear on my blog right. Seri­ously though, other than the few trips to the beach and a cou­ple of movies with friends, I’ve been busy on a few web design projects (sounds famil­iar?) through­out the holiday.

And as far as our home is con­cerned, the hol­i­days meant house­hold projects. First we had the relawn­ing project which I might be blog­ging about when it’s done. Then we had to spring-clean the house and trust me that was exhaust­ing. It’s still going on now by the way, I just sneaked onto my lap­top for a much needed update.

Hope­fully though, all work can be done before my Aunt’s fam­ily comes over from KL on Box­ing Day, where we’ll be hav­ing a short trip to Batang Ai and a much needed break.

So here’s a christ­mas tree I guess every Kuch­ing­nite would’ve seen by now to lighten up the fes­tive mood around here.

Damn. I need a dSLR so that night shots like the one above can stop becom­ing absolute disasters. =(

Oh wait, I already have one.


15 thoughts on “Seasons greetings and updates.

  1. ember Post author

    LOL I came back from a 2-day vaca­tion to Batang Ai right after post­ing this with­out much thought and I’m dumb­struck.. and really really guilty. =(

    @Eli James, Actu­ally.. I –haven’t– got a dSLR yet. That photo above was me try­ing out my Uncle’s Canon EOS 40D. I can’t pos­si­bly ven­ture into the dSLR club head on with semi-pro gear right? =P

    Save your wel­comes for very soon though, when I really do join the club. =)

    @Kiam, Thanks for the tips! My uncle did cor­rect me on the ori­en­ta­tion for tak­ing por­traits after my dad took that photo above. And a Sony dSLR? Awe­some! Which model we’re talk­ing about? The A300 is on the top of my wish­list as of now. =D

    @KNizam, Thank you! Unfor­tu­nately though, I don’t plan to release my Aero theme in any­time the near future. It’s really old and buggy code and ugh.. you wouldn’t want it LOL. Glad you liked it though!

    @Oridusartic, Merry Christ­mas to you too! Thanks for the link! Do let me know when you’re done so I can link you back.

    @Fahriee, Sorry, dude! I hon­estly didn’t know you guys would actu­ally believe that. Any­way if I really do get one, I’m gonna need some tips from you man! You’re get­ting really good I must say. =)

    @Crystal, Glad you liked it here. Happy New Year back to you!

  2. KiAm

    YES YES!! the A300!! nya­ha­ha­haha.… *drools at Super­SteadyShot and swivel LCD… :D~~

    but then some of my pho­to­holic friends who are more inclined towards canon and nikon are rather… doubt­ful of my deci­sion (and of course, rec­om­mend­ing canon and nikon instead)… although i already have enough money for one…

    any­way, decid­ing to put it on hold for now and get my bass gui­tar first… this weekend… 😛

  3. ember Post author

    Indeed! Plus the Live View fea­ture which is really god­send. =D

    Well of course Canon and Nikon is bet­ter con­sid­er­ing they’ve been in the dSLR scene for a much longer time. But from the reviews I’ve read through, Sony isn’t so bad in this field either. And from what I’ve heard, the Orange peo­ple are a pretty fun bunch! =D

    Bass gui­tar? Form­ing a band? Got room for a pianist?

  4. Pingback: New year, new gear! -

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