Unabating rain.

Rain. | EXIF: 55mm f/5.6 1/640 ISO400

As the Sky fer­vently goes on its ambi­tious quest to shift the entire South China Sea upon Kuch­ing, yours truly finds him­self spend­ing his days indoors scowl­ing at the weather.

It’s been four days and count­ing. Rainy days are no good for out­door pho­tog­ra­phy. Bad light­ing, cold color tem­per­a­ture, rain­drops every­where. Pfft. I used to love rainy days.

But then I realised, a lit­tle rain isn’t gonna stop me from spend­ing time with my girl­friend. She’s just as good rain or shine — heck she’s best when she’s wet! Okay I might be a lit­tle car­ried off here but yeah, rainy days are cer­tainly not an excuse not to head out and snap. =)

Droplets on the leaves of a Papaya fruit tree
Pearls on a Leaf | EXIF: 55mm f/5.6 1/250 ISO400

So head out and snap I did.

When the rain did abate a lit­tle, I went out into the back­yard to cap­ture nature’s view of the rainy day.

Flower in droplets
Flower juice.

Droplets present on almost every sur­face made every­thing stand out in ways I couldn’t have imag­ined. It was then when another wave of low-hanging rain­clouds sweep­ing in above me started to empty their load once again.

Droplets in the rain
Tow­ers of water | EXIF: 51mm f/5.6 1/200 ISO400

Sigh. Time to retire indoors. =(

12 thoughts on “Unabating rain.

  1. ember Post author

    @Fahriee, Exactly! That’s why I said I like rainy days, beats the scorch­ing heat of a really hot day any­time. Step out­side these few days and it feels like nature has got a huge air-cond run­ning! Glad you liked ‘em!

    @Eli James, The first umbrella in the rain shot was taken with a 1/640s shut­ter speed. The rain­clouds did thin up a lit­tle allow­ing more light when I took that photo.

    The last rain­drop shot though, was taken at a slower 1/200s speed but was rather under­ex­posed. The reflec­tions of the brighter rain­clouds (not seen) along the hori­zon on the water saved the day though.

    @teddY, Thank you, Teddy! =D Those two are pretty much my favourites too. The last shot is indeed under­ex­posed but that’s the fastest speed I could go with­out the entire photo going absolutely dark. And you hit the nail on the head when you said I was going for the cool rainy mood when I decide not to crank up the expo­sure while doing post-processing on that shot. 😀

  2. ember Post author

    @Kiam, Wow you got your bass gui­tar already? =O Well you can always try point­ing your room’s air cond remote at the sky and see if that works! =D

    @wying, A PAPAYA FRUIT HATER! *grabs broom and chases you away granny-style* XD

    Damn. Papaya’s are the best stuff. How could you not like ‘em?

    @teddY, Thank you teddy! I’m so flat­tered by all these praises com­ing from you. =D

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