Month: March 2009

Earth Hour ’09

After the one-hour switch-off, the count­down, the cel­e­bra­tions, the can­dle­light par­ties, the dark­ened sky­lines of reknowned cities of the world, the pledg­ing, the vot­ing, inevitably, the Earth Hour craze and excite­ment with­ers away, and when we return to our daily lives one won­ders just how Earth Hour made a dif­fer­ence — if any. I remem­ber fearing […]

An Aeon Later

It’s been an aeon or two before this blog last saw an update. Some­where around the last bil­lion years, semes­ter two started. Then again, I usu­ally leave aeons between my blog posts.. so yeah. Okay seri­ously, its been two weeks when we had to put 3 lazy months of sum­mer hol­i­days behind us and start […]