Category: Happenings

New year, new gear!

Happy 2009! While the Boule­vard shop­ping mall was blast­ing away with a short count­down fire­works dis­play on the 31st of Decem­ber, I was shoot­ing from a dis­tance away. Safe from the traf­fic and crowd. As I clicked away, clocks around Kuch­ing ticked their way into a whole new year. Moments ago, I was blow­ing out the […]

A bleak future

I woke up this morn­ing to find just how low my coun­try had stooped. Appar­ently, in Malaysia, you’re screwed big time if you report a thief. You get accused, slammed, and grinded for pub­lish­ing a story telling of what a thief does as thief.. steal­ing things. For what’s worth, in the end, you get detained […]