Category: News

Kuching experiences it’s first-ever SPRING!

Kuch­ing is a trop­i­cal city, no more! For never before in his­tory, the city of cats was over­whelmed in the sea­son of spring good­ness! xD Today’s the much antic­i­pated Grand Open­ing of The Spring, and we gate­crashed it — to bits. xD Warn­ing: Loads of pic­tures, highly NOT rec­om­mended for dial-up users! We reached the Spring at […]

CatsCity Clique! I’m going, are you?

This Sat­ur­day, Kuch­ing will have it’s first-ever spon­sored blog­gers’ meet! You betcha’, yours truly will def­i­nitely be there. There will also be quite a few swin­bur­nites attend­ing, among us, kiam, piaw, billy and steven. Why after all, it’s to meet fel­low Kuch­ing­nite blog­gers! Are you going? If you blog, and have a Sat­ur­day after­noon to spare, […]