Category: Photography

An Aeon Later

It’s been an aeon or two before this blog last saw an update. Some­where around the last bil­lion years, semes­ter two started. Then again, I usu­ally leave aeons between my blog posts.. so yeah. Okay seri­ously, its been two weeks when we had to put 3 lazy months of sum­mer hol­i­days behind us and start […]

A Nifty Fifty!

Being a great fan of bokeh (which is, by the way Japan­ese for out-of-focus blur in phở­tographs) it didn’t take long for me to be tempted to get myself a fast prime lens. Luck­ily Canon had this really, really afford­able lens in the form of the Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II that wouldn’t really hurt my […]