Category: Uncategorized

Repost | Results, results

The PMR results were finally announced today on 2:30pm after a rest­less night for me So the result slips were given out at school today and which I made it there with my dad and had the chance to meet up with a few friends. So, wanna know my results? Well, I’m not going to […]

Repost | Released: Absence of Motion

In con­trast to the Dec 26 Asian tsunami I solemnly ded­i­cate this piece to the vic­tims and their fam­ily and friends.. hope you like it Pre­view: Down­load Note: These posts which are tagged ‘repost’ are uh..reposts of entries in my old site before I started blog­ging with Word­Press. Just thought I’d repost them here. No, they […]

Repost | Death toll rises to 120,000

The day after christ­mas, I was still in bed on 7a.m. local time (000GMT) unaware of the 8.9 mag­ni­tude earth­quake that caused 40-feet tsunami waves which slammed into ten nations across Asia and Africa, namely: Sri Lanka, India, Indone­sia, Thai­land, Bangladesh, the Mal­dives, Myan­mar, Sey­chelles, Soma­lia and my coun­try, Malaysia. It is said to be […]